Can a Reckless Motorcycle Driver Be Sued for Causing Serious Injuries in an Illinois Car Accident?
Even when you are driving defensively, the behavior of other motorists can cause serious car accidents. Although it is true that motorcyclists are at much more risk of being injured in car accidents than the occupants of a car or truck, it is also true that many motorcyclists cause or are involved in accidents because of reckless driving. Many motorcycle drivers are young men who, without thinking carefully about the consequences, often drive far above the speed limit on highways and other thoroughfares, putting the other drivers around them in serious danger.
Reckless driving by speeding motorcyclists can cause the drivers of nearby vehicles to swerve in an effort to avoid an impending collision, causing a serious car crash. Sometimes, the rider will pull over and help. Other times, by the time the car crash has happened, the motorcyclist is long gone. If you have been seriously injured in a car accident that you caused only because you tried to avoid another collision, you may be able to prove the accident would never have happened if not for the other driver’s actions.
Can I Hold a Driver Responsible for a Car Accident Even if They Did Not Hit Me?
When one driver’s actions cause another driver to swerve and crash into another car, this is called a no-contact accident and the initial driver is called a “phantom vehicle.” If the driver of the phantom vehicle remains on the scene, you may be able to benefit from their testimony about what happened and it may be easier to hold them liable for damages.
However, if the phantom driver left the scene, you may have a very difficult time proving their liability. If it is safe to do so, collecting information about the phantom vehicle, such as its color, make, model, and license plate number can help you prove your case. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you gather additional information, such as footage from traffic cameras and witness testimony, to bolster your claim.
Common Injuries in No-Contact Car Accidents
Whether or not you can immediately identify the driver who caused you to swerve, the injuries caused in car accidents of this nature can be just as serious as any other car accident. Common injuries in car accidents of all kinds include:
Traumatic brain injuries
Back injuries
Internal injuries
Broken bones
Limb loss, amputation, or mobility loss
Facial disfigurement scarring
If you have been seriously injured in a no-contact accident, it is important to call a skilled Illinois personal injury attorney right away.
Call a DuPage County Car Accident Lawyer
Irresponsible driving can cause even the most careful drivers to get into car accidents. If you have been injured in a car accident that was caused when you tried to avoid another accident, you may be able to hold them responsible and recover damages. To find out more about your legal options, call the experienced Elmhurst, IL car accident attorneys at Schwartz Injury Law. We offer free consultations so you can learn more about our services at no risk to you. Call us today at 708-888-2160.