Orland Park Shifting Truck Load Crash Attorneys

Experienced Injury Lawyers For Victims of Accidents Caused by Truck Road Debris
There are many potential reasons for truck accidents. Some of the worst occur due to shifting or lost truckloads. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Large Truck Crash Causation Study found 4 percent of truck collisions involve cargo shift, but that number understates the possible injury, death and destruction that can accompany these accidents.
Liability in truck crashes caused by shifting cargo typically rests with the individuals responsible for loading the truck, which may include the truck driver, trucking company or shipping company. If you were involved in a truck accident which resulted from shifting or lost cargo, or if a loved one lost their life in a truck collision attributed to faulty truck loading, Schwartz Injury Law is prepared to serve as your advocate in a lawsuit to hold negligent parties accountable.
Load Shift Accident Causes
Commercial semi trucks inherently have a high center of gravity, so incorrect and unsafe stacking of cargo can impact a truck's balance and increase the potential for cargo loss or truck rollover. When a semi turns, speeds up or slows down, that force transfers to the load, so improperly secured cargo may spill onto the roadway or cause the entire tractor-trailer to flip over.
FMCSA regulations say truck drivers and trucking companies must properly secure loads, with FMCSA-approved securement apparatuses and equal weight distribution. Along with pre-transport inspection, drivers must inspect their cargo within the first 50 miles and throughout their trip to ensure continued stabilization.
Truck drivers are not always liable for shifting cargo. Sometimes a trucking company or shipping company seals and loads it, and the driver is neither present nor part of the process. In those cases, responsibility may lie with the company that sealed and loaded the cargo.
These types of trucking accidents often involve a complicated network of potential sources of negligence, and a large trucking or shipping business may deploy a response team to steer an inexperienced law enforcement officer's report. At Schwartz Injury Law, we know the proper procedures and federal regulations of the trucking industry, and our attorneys are prepared to combat any incorrect interpretations of events, and take your case to trial in the pursuit of justice.
Causes for Truck Accidents
Shifting or lost cargo could be just one of the factors that led to the truck crash that impacted you. Other common reasons for truck crashes include:
Freight loaders, maintenance mechanics and trucking businesses can be found negligent in semi crashes, in addition to the driver. A complete investigation by Schwartz Injury Law lawyers can help determine who contributed to the accident and hold them accountable. Previous truck accident settlements and judgments for our clients include awards up to $10.95 million.
Contact an Oak Lawn Lawyer for Truck Accident Lawsuits
If truck driver negligence, dropped cargo, shifting truckloads or other human error caused the truck collision that injured you, Schwartz Injury Law will fight for the compensation you need for a full medical, emotional and financial recovery. Contact an Orland Park personal injury lawyer at 708-888-2160 for a free consultation. We serve clients throughout northern Illinois, including but not limited to Mokena, Oak Forest, Country Club Hills, Palos Heights, and Midlothian.