How a Personal Injury Lawsuit Can Address Disfigurement and Scarring
When most people think about a car crash, work accident, assault, or another injury-causing incident, the most obvious concern is the physical injury itself. However, the psychological implications of a serious injury are often just as significant as the physical consequences of the injury. This is especially true when an accident causes disfigurement or considerable scarring.
If you or a loved one suffered a disfiguring injury, it is important to know how the disfigurement may be addressed in a personal injury lawsuit. Speaking to an experienced Will County, IL personal injury attorney from Schwartz Injury Law after a personal injury that caused disfigurement and scarring can be extremely beneficial.
Disfiguring Injuries Can Have a Profound Impact on the Injured Person’s Life
In a catastrophic accident, the physical and emotional scars suffered by the accident victim may last a lifetime. When an injury changes how a person looks, the injured person may feel as though his or her identity has changed. Scarring and disfigurement are often especially consequential when an accident causes:
Facial trauma – Deep lacerations to the face, injuries to the eyes, and injuries that cause disfigurement to the teeth and mouth can all have profound psychological consequences. In one study, up to 70 percent of people with acquired facial trauma suffered from depression and anxiety after the injury. Many patients suffered from social withdrawal and reduced occupational functioning.
Amputation – Losing a limb is a life-changing experience to go through. The injured person must deal with the physical limitations resulting from the amputation as well as the psychological toll created by the loss. The majority of those who suffer a traumatic limb amputation or dismemberment suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, phantom limb phenomenon, and other psychological effects.
Scarring – Although advances in surgery and wound care techniques have reduced the severity of scarring after a serious injury, some scars are unavoidable. If your injury caused significant scarring, this is likely to affect your life long after the physical pain of your injury has dissipated.
Burns – Chemical burns, as well as burns suffered in a fire or other accident, can also lead to profound disfigurement. Often, a burn victim suffers changes in skin color and texture that last years.
What Are the Different Types of Scars?
Most scars fade and heal with time. The extent to which the scar will heal depends on its location, the type of accident, its size, how the injury was treated, and the age, general health, and genetic factors associated with the victim. The three primary types of scars include:
Keloid scars are often the result of an overaggressive healing process and can inhibit movement. Treatment of keloid scarring includes surgery to remove the keloid scar, silicone sheets to flatten the scar, and steroid injections.
Hypertrophic scars are typically raised and red. While similar to keloid scars, hypertrophic scars do not go beyond the border of the original injury. Silicone sheet injections to flatten the scar or steroid injections may be used to reduce the appearance of the scar.
Contracture scars are usually the result of burns. A contracture scar tightens the skin, impeding the victim’s ability to move. This type of scar often goes below the surface, even affecting nerves and muscles.
What Are the Costs of Corrective Facial Surgeries?
The appearance of a fully healed scar can be enhanced by the following:
Surgical procedures can include cutting the scarred skin into a "Z" or "W" formation, giving the area more movement when it heals. Skin grafts, usually from another body area, can also be utilized. The cost of a single skin graft can be from $2,000 or more.
Dermabrasion may be used to remove layers of scarred skin. Dermabrasion treatments can cost as much as $4,000 each.
Laser treatments for a scar can make it less noticeable but cannot completely get rid of the scar. Laser treatments essentially replace one scar with a less noticeable scar. Laser treatments can cost as much as $3,400 per session.
Topical treatments are lotions or creams specially formulated to reduce the appearance of scars. These creams may cost $30 and up, and they must be used faithfully for a significant length of time to see much difference.
Radiotherapy is sometimes used to reduce keloid scarring when other methods have had little success. Radiotherapy treats keloid scars by targeting the affected area with high-energy X-ray beams that shrink and flatten the raised keloid scar. The cost can range from $2,500 to $4,000 per session, and it may take several sessions.
Microdermabrasion can temporarily improve the look of a facial scar by exfoliating the outer layer. The perceived improvement can last as long as three weeks. Microdermabrasion costs between $75 and $300 per session, but it is not a long-term solution.
Disfigurement, especially disfigurement of the face, can lead to depression, constant concern about other people’s reactions, issues in one’s career and relationships, and a negative body image. Some treatments for disfigurement include plastic surgery and reconstructive surgery to rebuild structures of the face. A plastic surgeon may use tissues from the person’s body to address disfigurement, while a reconstructive surgeon could use skin, bone, or muscle from other parts of the person’s body to reconstruct facial features.
Plastic surgery for disfigurement is sometimes called microvascular surgery because the tiny blood vessels of the transplanted tissues must be carefully reconnected to new blood vessels. Implants and prosthetic devices can be used to restore natural facial features during facial reconstruction surgery.
Depending on the extent of the disfigurement, plastic surgery for facial disfigurement can cost from $3,000 to $20,000 and more. Reconstructive surgery for facial disfigurement is usually more expensive than plastic surgery, but the actual cost will depend on the extent of the disfigurement and how many surgical procedures are required.
How Are Disfigurement and Scarring Particularly Difficult for Children and Young Adults?
One study found that half of all young people say they have witnessed negative behavior toward another young person who looked "different" in some way. The study of 1,500 young people found that concerns regarding their looks begin earlier than we might think – children as young as seven worry about their own appearance. Most young people (79 percent) have experienced hateful or negative comments about their looks, with most of those negative comments occurring at school. Having scarring or disfigurement is especially hard on young adults and children and can cause depression, anxiety, drug and alcohol problems, and even suicide or suicidal thoughts.
What Functional Losses Can Result from Disfigurement and Scarring
Many adverse health issues are related to disfigurement and scarring. When the scarring and disfigurement are on the face and head, the victim can experience hearing or vision loss. Since scar tissue has low extensibility, it can impair joint movement, inhibit the ability to exercise and reduce muscle strength. Stiffness and discomfort in the area with scar tissue are common, as well as severe itching, sleep disturbances, disruption of daily activities, and anxiety and depression.
What is the Role of a Medical Professional in Offering Testimony for a Scarring and Disfigurement Claim?
It can be beneficial to have an experienced physician, surgeon, or plastic surgeon provide expert testimony regarding the severity of the injuries. The medical professional can also offer an opinion on the potential for improvement and whether permanent disfigurement or scarring is likely. Testimony from a medical professional can help calculate damages to the victim.
Why You Need an Experienced Illinois Scarring Lawyer
Scarring and disfigurement from a personal injury are among the more complex cases. An Illinois scarring attorney can help victims accurately calculate their damages and recover those damages from the negligent party. Scarring is a serious issue that can cause deep psychological trauma, mobility issues, and chronic pain.
All these can significantly impact the victim's day-to-day life, perhaps even preventing him or her from returning to work. Having a strong legal advocate can make all the difference in the outcome of a scarring and disfigurement personal injury claim. An Illinois scarring attorney will also ensure the statute of limitations for personal injury claims is not exceeded.
Financial Compensation for Scarring and Other Disfigurement
Illinois personal injury law allows for the recovery of financial damages as well as non-financial damages. There is no amount of money that someone would trade for the loss of a limb or another disfiguring injury. However, financial compensation through a personal injury lawsuit may address the psychological toll that disfigurement has on an accident victim. It may also provide reimbursement for counseling or other psychological treatments.
Contact a Kendall County, IL Personal Injury Lawyer
If you or a loved one suffered a disfiguring injury in a car accident, construction accident, or another incident, contact Schwartz Injury Law. A Will County, IL personal injury attorney from our firm can help you explore your legal options. Our firm has many major multimillion-dollar settlements to our credit. We are aggressive, highly experienced, have a stellar reputation, and are always willing and able to go to trial when warranted. Call 708-888-2160 to schedule your free consultation.