How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help Me During a Commercial Truck Accident Injury Case?
Large commercial trucks can cause devastating accidents. If you or a loved one were seriously hurt in a truck accident, you may be interested in seeking compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. Through an injury claim, you may be able to get compensation for the damages that you suffered including medical bills and lost income. To bring the strongest claim possible, it is crucial to work with a personal injury attorney who has experience successfully handling truck accident cases.
Collecting Information and Preserving Evidence
When someone contacts a personal injury attorney about a possible truck accident claim, the first thing the attorney will need to do is collect information about the accident. Your lawyer will want to know the circumstances of the collision, what types of injuries you suffered, and what medical treatments you have sought for those injuries. Your attorney may also utilize evidence such as the truck’s event data recorder (EDR), traffic camera footage, the truck driver’s electronic logbook, and forensic evidence from the crash scene. In many cases, a personal injury attorney sends a “preservation letter” or spoliation letter to the trucking company which prohibits the company from destroying evidence.
Identifying the Liable Parties
Truck accident cases are often complicated. It is not always clear who is legally at fault for a truck crash. In some cases, the truck driver himself or herself is responsible for causing the accident. Distracted driving, drowsy driving, and driver intoxication are all common causes of truck collisions. In other cases, the trucking company’s failure to properly maintain the truck or correctly load truck cargo is the cause of the accident. It is also possible that defects in the truck’s brakes, tires, or cargo securement devices are a key contributor to the crash. By pinpointing the cause of the crash, your lawyer can build a more compelling claim for damages and ensure that the claim is brought against the correct party or parties.
Negotiating with the Trucking Company and the Insurance Company
Most personal injury cases are settled before trial through lawyer-led negotiations. A skilled attorney knows how to bring a robust case and fight for the compensation you need. He or she will know the tactics that many insurance companies use to get claimants to settle for less compensation than they deserve and how to overcome these tactics. Although going to trial is typically the last resort, the insurance company sometimes refuses to offer a reasonable settlement. Therefore, it is important to choose an attorney who has courtroom experience in addition to strong negotiating skills.
Contact a Cook County Truck Accident Lawyer
If you or a loved one were injured in a truck crash, contact a Joliet truck injury attorney at Schwartz Injury Law. Our skilled team has secured millions of dollars of compensation for injured truck accident victims. We can help you bring a tenacious case against the liable party. Call 815-322-7611 for a free consultation.