How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help Me During My Case?
A personal injury claim is a legal action that allows someone who was injured by another party’s negligence or wrongdoing to seek compensation for damages. Injury claims are often used to pursue damages after a car accident but they may also follow slip and fall accidents, injuries caused by defective products, and other types of injury-causing incidents. An experienced personal injury lawyer is a valuable asset when bringing a personal injury claim.
Demonstrating the Elements Needed to Prove Your Entitlement to Damages
To receive financial compensation for damages after an injury, you must establish four main points. First, the defendant, meaning the party against whom you are brining a claim, owed you a duty of care. This may the duty of a driver to drive a reasonable speed, the duty of a company to design a safe consumer product, the duty of a property owner to maintain a safe premises, or another type of duty. Next, you will need to show that the defendant failed to uphold this duty of care. Proving fault for an injury is often the most pivotal part of winning an injury claim. You will also need to show that the defendant’s breach of duty caused your injuries. Finally, you must demonstrate that you sustained damages as a result of your injuries. Damages are losses you suffered because of your injury such as medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage. Your attorney can help you demonstrate each of these elements. Your attorney may consult with medical experts, accident reconstructionists, or other professionals, gather evidence such as surveillance camera footage, review police reports, and find other sources of evidence to prove the required elements.
Advocating For Your Best Interests
Bringing an injury claim is a difficult legal undertaking. Your attorney can help you understand the legal options you have in front of you and choose the legal avenue that is the most likely to be successful. He or she can also ensure that your rights are protected throughout your case. Whether it is negotiating a settlement with the insurance company, communicating with the defendant’s legal team, or representing you in court, your lawyer’s job is to advocate for your best interests. When you retain a qualified personal injury attorney, you can rest assured that you have a strong support system who will see you though the entirety of your case.
Contact an Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer
If you were hurt in an accident caused by another party’s careless or unlawful conduct, contact Schwartz Injury Law for help. Call our office at 815-723-7300 and schedule your free consultation with one of our skilled Joliet personal injury attorneys.