Motorcycle Accidents Considered a National Public Health Issue
When it comes to any kind of car or motorcycle accident, we often tend to view the collision as an event that affects only the victim and other parties involved in the crash. While victims undoubtedly experience the greatest impact in a crash, research illuminates the fact that auto collisions have the power to affect the victim’s loved ones, passerby witnesses, and even the national public as a whole. This is especially true when it comes to motorcycle accidents, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says are actually a national public health issue.
Everyone is Impacted by Motorcycle Accidents
Why does the CDC claim that motorcycle accident injury and death is everyone’s problem? Here are some startling facts:
- The number of motorcycle deaths continues to increase each year. Studies show an astounding 82 percent increase in deaths between 2000 and 2016. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcycle fatalities occurred 28 times more frequently in traffic crashes than car passenger fatalities, and a recent report revealed that nearly 90,000 motorcyclists were injured on an annual basis.
- Riding accidents are not only life-changing for victims. They are also expensive, and everyone technically pays the price. The CDC reports that the annual economic burden on the public due to motorcycle-related injuries and deaths totals a staggering $12 billion. How is this coming out of the public’s pockets? Studies show that a huge portion of these costs is paid by the U.S. public because these expenses actually reflect higher insurance premiums and taxes, not to mention lost tax revenue. Studies show that medical bills due to motorcyclists’ injuries are often paid for by public funds, as these injuries typically require hospitalization and rehabilitation services. Most of these charges come from Medicaid.
- Motorcycle crashes are often linked to other public health issues, such as drunk driving. Reports from the NHTSA in 2016 showed that motorcycle riders in crashes held a higher percentage of alcohol impairment compared to all other types of motor vehicle drivers. This is merely one example of the many instances where substance abuse, intoxicated driving, and motorcycle collision intertwine and create devastating statistics.
Contact an Orland Park, Illinois, Personal Injury Attorney
From injury, death, and emotional trauma to healthcare and prevention costs, research continues to show how motorcycle accidents really do affect everyone in the U.S. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident right here in Illinois, it is imperative that you speak with an informed, dedicated Cook County personal injury lawyer about the rights you are entitled to in a court of law. Your case may show that you are eligible for some sort of compensation for your injuries. Let our skilled attorneys protect your best interests while you focus on recovering from the collision. Call Schwartz Injury Law today at 708-888-2160 and schedule a free consultation.