Personal Injury Claims Involving Permanent Hearing or Vision Loss
Our senses enable us to interact with the world around us. Everything from working to communicating with our loved ones involves our senses. When an injurious incident leaves a person with reduced hearing or vision, the consequences are often life-changing. If you or a loved one have suffered vision or hearing loss because of another party’s negligent or malicious actions, you may be able to file a personal injury claim and recover damages.
Incidents Resulting in Vision or Hearing Loss
Accidents causing vision or hearing loss can happen almost anywhere. A workplace accident may expose a worker to toxic chemicals that harm his or her eyes. Explosions or working around loud machinery can cause hearing loss as well. Car accidents resulting in lacerations to the face or traumatic brain injury may also lead to hearing or vision problems. The cause of an individual’s hearing or vision impairment may be intentional physical violence as well. Being the victim of a robbery, assault, or another violent attack can leave a person with temporary or permanent vision loss.
A personal injury claim may help a victim of negligence or intentional wrongdoing hold the at-fault party accountable for their disability. The at-fault party may be an individual or it may be a company, property owner, government entity, or another party.
Damages in Personal Injury Cases Involving Vision or Hearing Impairment
Partial or full loss of your ability to see or hear is a devastating loss to endure. Impairment of one or more senses has wide-reaching effects on a person’s life. Through a personal injury claim, a victim of hearing or vision loss may be able to recover financial compensation for medical expenses and other damages. Compensation for emergency medical treatment, hospitalization, physical therapy, occupational therapy, hearing aids, glasses, surgery, and other medical needs may be available. The victim may also be entitled to compensation for lost wages and the harm the vision or hearing loss caused to his or her earning potential.
When an individual suffers a catastrophic injury such as vision or hearing loss, non-economic damages are often a considerable part of the personal injury settlement or award. The injured person may be entitled to compensation for their physical impairment, disfiguration, mental anguish, physical pain, and more.
Contact a Cook County Personal Injury Lawyer
If you or a loved one suffered hearing or vision loss in a car accident, workplace accident, assault, or another incident caused by negligence or wrongdoing, contact Schwartz Personal Injury. A Joliet personal injury attorney from our team can help you fight for compensation for your financial and non-financial losses. Call 815-723-7300 for a free, no-obligation consultation today.