Punitive Damages and Catastrophic Injuries in Illinois
In the area of personal injury law, catastrophic injuries can have seriously impactful and long-term effects on the lives of those injured and their families. When catastrophic injuries occur because of another person's reckless or intentional actions, questions may arise regarding whether punitive damages should be sought against the negligent party. Punitive damages are a type of compensation awarded in civil cases to punish the defendant for their egregious conduct and to prevent similar misconduct from happening in the future. Unlike other compensatory damages, such damages are intended to compensate the plaintiff for their losses; punitive damages are intended to service a different purpose.
At Schwartz Injury Law, we understand the aftermath of suffering a catastrophic injury can be very difficult for a person to handle. If you believe punitive damages are relevant to your case, contact an attorney immediately.
Scenarios Where Punitive Damages May Be Relevant in a Case
When catastrophic injuries occur as a result of egregious conduct or extreme negligence, punitive damages may be warranted to hold the responsible party accountable and prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. Here are some examples where punitive damages could be awarded:
Drunk driving accidents – If catastrophic injuries were suffered because of drunk driving, punitive damages may be pursued. For example, suppose a drunk driver flies down the road, tripling the speed limit, and crashing into a minivan, paralyzing a 10-year-old child. In this case, the family of the 10-year-old may have grounds to seek punitive damages since the drunk driver's conduct displayed extreme negligence.
Product liability cases — If a defective product leads to catastrophic injury and it is found that the manufacturer knew about the defect but failed to address it, punitive damages may be appropriate. This serves to punish the company for potentially prioritizing profits over consumer safety.
Seeking Justice for Catastrophic Injuries
When catastrophic injuries occur, the physical, emotional, and financial toll on the victim and their loved ones can be immense. Pursuing punitive damages in cases involving catastrophic injuries not only seeks to provide a sense of justice but also aims to prevent similar harm from happening to others in the future.
Contact a Joliet, IL Catastrophic Injury Attorney Today
To pursue punitive damages after a catastrophic injury has occurred, contact the aggressive Kendall County, IL catastrophic injury lawyers with Schwartz Injury Law. Call 708-888-2160 for a free consultation today.