What Happens If I Am Injured By a Defective Product Purchased on Amazon?
This month, Amazon surpassed Walmart to become the world’s largest retailer of consumer products. Chances are, you have ordered a product through Amazon at least once, if not on a regular basis. However, not all products offered on Amazon’s marketplace are safe for consumers, and defective products have the potential to cause serious injuries to their users. If you or a loved one suffers an injury because of a product you purchased on Amazon, you may wonder what your options are for recovering compensation.
Amazon’s New “A-to-Z Guarantee”
Many of the products sold on Amazon are offered by third-party sellers. In the past, when a third-party product turned out to be defective, Amazon typically took the stance of denying liability, claiming that the seller was the responsible party. However, after a mounting number of product liability lawsuits naming Amazon as a defendant in recent years, the company has made a change to its policy.
Amazon’s A-to-z Guarantee, which previously allowed customers to request a refund if they were unsatisfied with a third-party product, has been expanded to include a claims process for cases in which a third-party product causes injury or property damage. Through this process, Amazon will directly compensate customers for valid damages up to $1,000. For claims of more than $1,000, Amazon will attempt to resolve the claim with the seller and may compensate the customer directly if the seller is unresponsive or uncooperative.
Should You Use Amazon’s Claims Process?
Amazon reports that 80 percent of its defective product claims fall below the $1,000 threshold, but it is certainly possible for a product purchased on Amazon to cause catastrophic injuries resulting in damages of a much higher value. One recent lawsuit filed against Amazon named allegedly defective products including hairdryers, carbon monoxide detectors, and flammable children’s pajamas, all of which could have serious or fatal consequences. Though Amazon’s policy states that it may compensate a customer for up to $1 million in economic damages, including medical bills and lost wages, the claims process does not allow for compensation for non-economic pain and suffering damages.
With this in mind, if you are seriously injured by a product purchased on Amazon, it is a good idea to consult with a personal injury attorney to determine your best course of action. In order to recover the full compensation to which you are entitled, it may be necessary to file a lawsuit against Amazon or the third-party seller, rather than attempting to resolve your claim through Amazon’s process.
Contact a Cook County Defective Products Attorney
Online retail, and Amazon, in particular, has changed the way that people buy products, and this can present unique challenges for customers. At Schwartz Injury Law, we can look into the circumstances of your defective product injuries and help you understand your options for reaching a fair resolution. Contact us today at 708-888-2160 to schedule a free consultation with an Orland Park personal injury lawyer.